(Corrected) Wednesday May 22 is National Musical Instrument Day.
I am surrounded by the musically inclined. Bass. Guitar. Violin. Piano.
I have attended numerous lessons, recitals, performance tests and events.
I am not a musician. I wholeheartedly embrace musical study and play for all children (and adults).
Both of my daughters have learned to play an instrument and acquired the appreciation of additional instruments. Learning to read (and write) music has been extremely beneficial to their academic successes; as well as the discipline of practice. Everyday.
My husband picked up the bow and bass after decades and practices everyday.
Have I tired of hearing the same songs over and over again? Yes. However, the reward lies in their individual achievements of excellence and the appreciation of music and those who invest in their craft. Observing and encouraging my children to play a musical instrument has reminded me of the discipline and passion that we should apply to any aspect of our growth.
For the third year in a row, I am offering a discount on creative services.
Ten percent off new projects (please no updates to previous projects) now through June 28, 2013.
For more information, visit: Spring Celebration
Spring is undoubtedly my favorite season. When spring arrives, there are numerous celebrations in my family including four birthdays, mother & father days, and this year another high school graduation.
- Have you been thinking about launching that ebook?
- Catch the newest trend... proposal and pitch deck.
- Is your pitch/presentation deck in need of a new look?
Reach out to me today so we can discuss your project and get started NOW.
One of my client's recently said the following about their proposal-as-pitch deck.
"A visually-elevated and professional presentation of our company to prospective clients, receiving positive feedback and {serious} interest in our services."
Tyler B.
Sr. VP Global Sales
Woke this morning to a few of these outside my window...
Photo by Dominic R. Sondy
Last week I received the following pieces of mail: a über large postcard for hearing devices and the neighborhood coupon booklet. Each of these arrived the same day.
Take a look at the handsome couple. The same two people! My neighbors in the elevator must have thought I was nuts listening to me laugh.
What are the chances that a designer would select the SAME couple for their layout and those unrelated pieces of direct mail would land in my mailbox on the SAME day?
I use stock photos and illustrations for my clients, I do prefer custom photography but most of the time the budget just doesn't allow me to hire a professional photographer or illustrator. I dig deep into a search, using key words appropriate for the project/message and attempt to avoid the most popular or downloaded images.
How do you handle your image searches to avoid this situation?